Why does Fxblue report incorrect returns?
Fxblue calculates the return of an account/portfolio by filtering all movements (closed orders, deposits, withdrawals etc.) according to the closing date in ascending order.
This inevitably skew (either negatively or positively) the results in case a deposit or a withdrawal is made between the opening and closing of a trade. Below an example:
On first January a deposit of 1000$ is made and the following day a trade is opened. On 8 January an additional deposit of 2000$ is made; the trade gets closed on 14 January with a profit of 50$.
The correct return of this account is 5% (50/1000), however, due to the “Close date” parameter in ascending order, the return shown in Fxblue account is 1.7% (50/3000), as the second deposit is placed ahead of the trade in the account history.
Why does Fxblue report an incorrect maximum Drawdown figure?
The maximum Drawdown value shown in Fxblue refers to the maximum Drawdown of a single account and not of the whole portfolio. Since with the Netswap system all orders trade against each other, by omitting one leg of a Netswap trade, the maximum Drawdown appears to be far worse than it actually is.