This is our Netswap portfolio tracked and monitored by Fxblue, an independent third-party verification site.
Kindly note that the Total, Monthly, Weekly returns and Maximum Drawdown value reported by FXblue are not correct and you can find the right figures below. If want to know more about this, visit this page.
Portfolio performance (Last updated: Feb 2025)
Monthly return: 18.09%
Total return: 600.52%
Maximum Drawdown: -11.88%
Additional information:
- The Netswap trade opened on June 2023 appears as a net loss when actually is a winning trade. That happened because the trading accounts involved have a different account currency and Fxblue doesn’t convert the profit/loss of an account in the currency of the other when merging them together.
- The Netswap trade opened on 29 September 2023 has been closed as a net loss because we forgot to turn on the Netswap EA and one order has been closed later than the other.
- In the Netswap trade opened on 02 November 2023, one order has been closed later than the other due to a Metatrader server disruption of one broker.
In accordance with their terms of business, the broker fully redressed the loss on the position, however, in order to show you results as much close as possible to that achievable with this strategy, we decided to calculate the return on this Netswap trade as if the Stop out level was normally triggered.