If on one hand the Netswap system is a simple yet very effective trading strategy, in the other hand it also comes with various technical hurdles that must be overcome to put it into place.
In this brief article you will find out how easy it becomes to make a double Netswap trade through the use of our Netswap spreadsheet files, Trade size calculation service and Netswap EA.
How to make a double Netswap trade step by step
Step 1) Check the Swap database spreadsheet and choose a combination with a positive net Swap value for a given pair.
Step 2) Check the Trade mode of the pair for each broker involved in the combination.
Step 3) Check the Swap values of the combination in the single spreadsheets of each broker involved to see if the rates are relatively stable over time.
Step 4) Choose the percentage movement value at which all positions will be automatically closed out.
Step 5) Contact us to know the size of the trade and the amount to put on each account.
Once you know the size, you can calculate the amount earned by the net Swap using the formulas shown in this article and the ROI. If you are not happy with that numbers, start over from step 1.
Step 6) Place the orders through the Netswap EA.
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